Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Should You Buy the "Less Than Perfect" Home?

When you’re shopping for a new home, you want to find a property that has all the features and characteristics you want. A large deck surrounded by picturesque landscaping ... a beautiful kitchen with gleaming marble countertops... a cozy finished basement with fireplace....
You should look for the ideal home. You deserve it! But some home buyers make the mistake of becoming fixated on finding the "perfect" property, and passing too quickly on those homes that don't quite measure up.
Why is that a mistake? Because some of those less-than-perfect properties have the potential of becoming your next dream home.
First of all, a home that is lacking some desirable features, such as a finished basement, will probably cost less. Those savings may be more than enough to cover any needed upgrade or renovation.
Secondly, if you look at a home in terms of its potential, rather than the features it happens to have now, there will be more properties available on the market for you to consider.
If you're determined to have a large wrap-around deck for entertaining, for example, don't cross homes that don't have this feature off your list. At least not yet. Instead, view these properties with an eye on potential. Is the backyard big enough to accommodate a large deck? How would a deck like that look if added to this particular property? How much would such a renovation cost?
There's no doubt about it. You want to find a home that has all the features and characteristics you want. If you work with a good REALTOR®, there is a good chance you'll find a property that has most of them.
But keep an open mind. Sometimes a "diamond in the rough" can – with an upgrade or renovation – become a home you'll treasure for years.

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The 5 Advantages of Buying a Home During Winter

It's a cool time to buy a Brampton home, as there are a number of advantages to buying a home during winter. 

Despite the common misconception that spring and summer are the ideal times to buy a home in Canada there are 5 tangible and strategic advantages to buying a home during the winter season:


  1. Historical Savings
    According to the Canadian Real Estate Association (CREA), home prices, historically, are at their lowest in winter months. “Typically, winter is not a popular time to sell or buy homes, but it could be a smart decision,” says Romana King of Canadian financial magazine MoneySense. “Historically, homes sell for less in December/January than at any other time of the year.”

    In fact during the winter months in Canada home prices are generally 1% to 6% lower than in the summer months, which translates into a savings of between $3,500 to $20,000 for the average Canadian homebuyer spending $350,000 on a home.

  2. Decreased Competition
    It is an all-too-common misconception that spring and summer are the best times to buy homes in Canada—use this in your favour. Less people shop for homes in winter, which translates into more motivated sellers and fewer competitive-bidding situations.

    Competitive-bidding situations drive prices higher than even the summer-selling season can. Use the lack of competition in the winter to avoid expensive competitive situations.

  3. Realtor Face-to-Face Time
    As demonstrated above the real estate business is at its slowest in winter, and this means you have a larger percentage of your realtors time. You'll have more face-to-face time, and you'll have more of their time and expertise dedicated and working towards leveraging the time of year into a great home at an affordable price.

    An attentive agent creates a happy buyer.

  4. Determine Energy Efficiency
    Winter provides a unique opportunity to determine the energy efficiency in potential homes. Check the roof for uneven snow, which can be a sign of insufficient insulation or air leaks. Ask for the latest electric and gas bills and you will be able to easily determine the energy efficiency of a home. During cold Canadian winters and humid summers this will save you thousands of dollars in future energy bills and expensive renovation repairs like new windows/doors and improved insulation.


If you're wondering whether this winter is the opportune time to buy a Brampton home—Call me today at 905.456.1000 ext. 3426. 


Posted via email from pamdaniels's posterous

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Brampton Farmers' Market

Fresh is always better and the Brampton Farmers' Market offers the best! Those yummy seasonal recipes wouldn't taste the same without Ontario's local produce. There is also amazing hand-made crafts and delicious baked goods! The farmers market is located downtown Brampton on Main street and runs every Saturday morning from 7am to 1pm. I suggest checking it out if you haven't yet this summer. It runs, rain or shine, until October 6th.


Posted via email from pamdaniels's posterous

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Painting Kitchen Cabinets

It is amazing what a little paint can do for a kitchen. If your thinking about selling your home or just want to freshen up your kitchen, painting outdated cabinets can do wonders! If you can paint a wall, you can paint a cabinet...there are just a few more details that are important and must be followed. Sherry explains just what these details are and the steps to follow when painting your cabinets on her website "Young House Love".

And they are:

Step 1: Figure out what you want. Bring home paint swatches and select the perfect palette, and if you’re planning to replace your hardware, purchase some before you move on to the next step. Because most old hardware is a different size than newer hardware (the holes are further apart or closer together), it’s important to know if your new door and drawer bling is spaced differently than your current hardware before you begin. Then it’s nice to wash everything down with a little soap and water to cut the grease and the spills that have built up on the doors and drawers over the years. Nothin’ like a little sponge bath to get you in the mood to makeover your kitchen…

Step 2: Take it off, baby. Now it’s time to remove all of your hardware and your hinges (regardless of whether you’ll be reusing it or replacing it- and it helps to store everything in a big ziplock bag so you’re never short a screw). Of course by removing the hinges you’ll be removing all the doors, so finding a place that you can lay out a big fabric or plastic drop cloth (which are about $2 from Home Depot or Lowe’s) is a good idea. Once you have your drop cloth in place, lay out all your cabinet doors and drawers so you can paint them all together in one convenient spot (and have full access to the frames of the cabinets in the kitchen).

Step 3: Fill ‘er up. Then if you’re replacing your hardware with something that won’t fit the existing holes in your doors and drawers, you’ll want to pick up some wood filler (it’s around $6 a tube, which is all ya need) and fill those existing hardware holes in all of the doors and drawers. There are many different colors of wood fill, but since you’re painting your cabinets, matching the tone isn’t really a big deal (although it can’t hurt to grab the one that most closely resembles the color of your current cabinets).

Step 4: Get sandy. The sanding process isn’t always necessary (for example, our cabinets weren’t glossy so we skipped it and went straight to priming) but for some people with super shiny cabinets (aka: lots of polyurethane) it can’t hurt to run an electric sander over everything- or take a bit more time to hand sand things- with fine grit paper to rough everything up for maximum paint stickage. Not sure if yours need to be sanded? If they feel matte like a cutting board (a little absorbent) then they shouldn’t need it, but if they feel shiny like a laminated piece of paper or a glossy credit card then sanding is your best bet. Note: lead paint is a serious health risk when sanding, so if you have an older home with already-painted cabinets that look decades old it’s worth testing for lead with a $6 lead test kit from Home Depot. Safety first!

Step 5: It’s prime time. Due to all the grease and even just the wood stain that often coats kitchen cabinets, it’s über important to get down and dirty with oil-based primer (even if the water-based equivalent claims that it works just as well on cabinet surfaces, we’ve seen stains seep right through that stuff, so oil-based is the better-safe-than-sorry alternative). One coat of primer applied with a decent quality roller should do the trick (then just use a brush to get into those tigher spaces and the grooves in the doors). We prefer wool or polyester rollers (Purdy’s a great brand) over foam ones as we’ve found that they rile up the paint and cause bubbles. Oh and it doesn’t matter if you can still see the wood tone underneath after one coat, the primer’s main job is to make your cabinets sticky and the paint will do the rest. You’ll probably want to snag an extra brush just for priming since they’re usually pretty messed up afterwords (it’s best to toss it or save it for other priming projects and use a pristine new one for painting). And ditto with the roller. We usually don’t even try washing the oil-based paint out of it- and prefer to replace it with a fresh new one before painting for a seamless result (reused rollers and brushes can often compromise the smooth finish that you’re going for when it comes to your cabinets).

Step 6: Get your paint on. You’re in the home stretch, so just two coats of latex paint (in a semi gloss finish for easy wipe-ability) are next on the agenda. You’ll definitely want to wait a few hours after applying primer, but I actually primed and painted my cabinets (two coats!) all in the same day. When it comes to applying the paint, a high quality wool or polyester roller makes for the sleekest application. A mini foam roller can also help since it’s smaller and easy to control. You’ll also probably need to use a brush sparingly, just to get into those little cracks and crevices that your roller can’t reach. Do yourself a favor by buying an angle-tipped brush as opposed to a flat-tipped one- they make staying in the lines a lot easier.

Note: We didn’t prime or paint the inside of the doors, but our approach would be to prime/paint them first and then wait five days and turn them over and prime/paint the outside (that way if anything got a bit imperfect after being flipped face down, it would be on the inside- an therefore less noticeable).

Step 7: Wait for it. After two coats of latex paint you now have to practice patience. Most experts advise waiting at least three days to rehang or begin using your doors and drawers (especially since the rehanging process involves lots of holding and pressing and drilling which can muck up anything that’s not 100% dry). We actually advise waiting five days if ya can (it beats doing the whole thing all over again and guarantees a totally seamless finish even in high humidity).

Step 8: Hang in there. Then all you have to do is rehang your doors (either using your existing hinges or new ones), slip in your drawers, and add your hardware. If the hardware is new, take time to measure twice before you drill to avoid any annoying mistakes that will make you want to putty and repaint, which never looks as good as the flawless finish that you get the first time around. John actually took his sweet time drilling all of our holes for the new hardware (to the tune of about two hours) but it was well worth the assurance that everything was perfectly centered and right where it should be. In this case slow and steady wins the race.


Posted via email from pamdaniels's posterous

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Outdoor Decorating

Don’t forget that you can use the exterior of your home to hang things like mirrors, lighting and fun pieces of decorations too. Simple and unique ideas bring that little bit extra to your outside atmosphere, and will have friends asking for your decorators number when they come over! Have fun and be creative!


Posted via email from pamdaniels's posterous

Monday, August 20, 2012

LET'S CLEAN: windows

The best way to clean windows, or any large stretch of glass, is with a squeegee. It does a quicker and more efficient job.
What you will need:
A good quality squeegee
window wand
If you'll be cleaning high windows, you also will need an extension pole.

The basic process is simple - apply the cleaning solution with the window wand and pull the dirt and water off with the squeegee.

In detail
1. Mix a capful of ammonia or five drops of liquid dish detergent in two gallons of water.
Too much detergent causes streaking.

2. Dip your window scrubbing wand or a sponge 3/4 of an inch into the solution.
picking up just enough water to wet the window without flooding it.
-Wet the entire window then go back over it once to loosen any stubborn soil.
-Run the scrubber against the frame on all sides of the window to pick up any dirt you've pushed against the frame.

3. Moisten the squeegee blade before you start and wipe it with a damp cloth between strokes.
A dry blade will skip and jump on the window instead of gliding efficiently.

4. Tilt the squeegee at an angle so that only about an inch of the rubber blade presses lightly against the top of the window glass.
-Pull the squeegee across the window horizontally.
This will leave a 1-inch dry strip across the top of the window. By squeegeeing across the top first, you eliminate drips running down.

5. -Place the squeegee close to the frame in the dry area near the top and pull down to about three inches from the bottom of the glass.
-Continue this way across the window, overlapping into the clean, dry area with each stroke, and wiping the blade with a damp cloth after each stroke.

6. Finish with a horizontal stroke across the bottom and wipe any water off the sill with a damp cloth.

On some windows, it's easier to cut the water off the frame side as well as the top, and then squeegee the entire pane using horizontal strokes. Large windows should be wet and squeegeed half at a time, the top half first.
Finally, if you're cleaning both the inside and outside of the window, squeegee horizontally on one side and vertically on the other, so you can tell whether any streaks are inside or out.


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