If your thinking about purchasing a house that uses a well to obtain water an inspection should be done before the house is purchased. Below is a checklist to follow in order to ensure that the house you’re your interested in has a well that functions properly.
| Well record — Obtain a copy of the well record from the owner or the Ministry of the Environment. This should include: location of well, date of well drilling, depth and diameter of well, static water level, pumping water level, recommended pumping rate and the recommended pump setting. |
| Location — A well should be located at least 15 m (50 ft.) from any source of contamination if the casing is watertight to a depth of 6 m (20 ft.); otherwise, the separation distance should be at least 30 m (100 ft.). Sources of contamination include: septic systems, manure storages, fuel storages, agricultural fields (manure or fertilizer runoff), and roads (salt runoff). Wells should be located at least 15 m (50 ft.) from a body of water (see Figure 3). |
| Well cap — The cap should be at least 0.3 m (12 in.) above the ground. The well cap and seal should be securely in place and watertight. A locking cap would give some added security against tampering. Well caps are on drilled wells and well covers are on dug wells. Both types should be inspected. |
| Well casing — No cracks or settling of the casing should be visible. The ground should slope away from the casing.
| Drainage — Surface water should drain away from the well and water should not pond around the well casing. |
| Well pump — The well pump and distribution piping should be in good condition. |
| Grass buffer — A permanent grass buffer of a minimum 4 m (12 ft.) width should be maintained around the well head. Fertilizers and pesticides should not be applied to the grass buffer. |
| Abandoned wells — All abandoned wells on a property must be decommissioned (plugged) by a licensed well contractor. Ask the owner if there are any abandoned wells on the property and if they have been properly decommissioned. |
| Inside the house — Check for sand or grit in the faucet strainer which indicates a corroded well screen. Verify that the pressure tank reads between 250 to 400 kPa (40 and 60 psi). Ensure that the check valve (or foot valve) is able to sustain the system pressure by drawing no water for 30 minutes to an hour and monitoring the pressure. The pressure should not drop nor should the pump start up during this dormant period. |
This is absolutely perfect. I have never had a well before so I had no idea what I needed to do for an inspection. I would love to get all of this done before I move into the house. http://www.brewsterwelldrilling.com/en/mining-exploration.htm